- And by the moon the reaper weary,
- Piling sheaves in uplands airy,
- Listening, whispers, " 'Tis the fairy
- Lady of Shalott."
- She knows not what the curse may be,
- And so she weaveth steadily,
- And little other care hath she,
- The Lady of Shalott.
- She knows not what the curse may be,
- And so she weaveth steadily,
- And little other care hath she,
- The Lady of Shalott.
- Out flew the web and floated wide-
- The mirror crack'd from side to side;
- "The curse is come upon me," cried
- The Lady of Shalott.
- "Who is this? And what is here?"
- And in the lighted palace near
- Died the sound of royal cheer;
- And they crossed themselves for fear,
- All the Knights at Camelot;
- But Lancelot mused a little space
- He said, "She has a lovely face;
- God in his mercy lend her grace,
- The Lady of Shalott."
- This ballad doesn't belong to me. I own nothing that's in this post.
The Lady of Shalott
Who ARE you ?
Serios, Diana, ai ajuns in ultimul hal.
Erai o persoana minunata pt. care ma "intreceam" cu Dunny. Si acum regret ca faceam asta. Am realizat, in sfarsit ca NU MERITI.
Asta e adevarul. Nu. Meriti.
Ai ajuns o jigodie, o jivina pe care as fi preferat sa nu o cunosc. Si de ce ? Totul din cauza unui bou, pe care l'ai cunoscut si cu prima ocazie l'ai ridicat in slavi. Asta dupa ce spuneai, la fel ca si mine, ca e un idiot, un sarlatan.
Si uite ce ai devenit. O CLONA a lui. Te porti exact ca el si ma vorbesti pe la spate. CULMEA, cu Denisa. Tu gandesti, macar ?
Ar fi atatea lucruri pe care ti le'as putea spune, dar nu imi permit. Vocabularul ar fi mult prea colorat.
Mult. Prea.
Pentru a insuma tot ce am spus, imi trebuie doar o fraza. Una scurta. Si suna cam asa:
Am ajuns sa TE URASC.
Intr'adevar. Iti pasa mai mult de ALA, decat de persoana care a fost MEREU langa tine. [n.r: Dunny]
Stii ce ? Ia'ti noul ego si INDEASA'TI'L PE GAT!
And have a nice day. Bitch. :)
Once upon a time...
There, she found a one-leaf clover, but she dropped it on the road.
She found a two-leaf clover, but it slipped into the shadows.
She found a three-leaf clover, but a witch hid it away.
She wanted to find a four-leaf clover, but she was too UNLUCKY.
So, the poor unlucky girl, continued skipping on the clover field, with her red ball. As it bounced, the ball went down a hill. As if possessed, it continued rolling down the hill, until it reached a house. As she approaches the deserted house with a creepy demeanor, chasing her ball, the girl's attention is drawn to the sinister appearance of the house. The ball bounces up the stairs, and into the open door. Pausing for a moment, the girl grasps at the house, that appeared to be staring her. Not wanting to lose her precious ball, she cautiously entered the house. Once in the house, she looks around, seeing the decayed mess, that was once an obviously beautiful mansion.
Walking through the endless hall, she stares at every inch of the house, mesmerized by their details. Suddenly, she hears a strong, deafening sound. She turns around and runs back at the door. But, as she gets there, she is horrified, seeing the blank wall where the door once stood.
Frightened, she runs down the first hallway she sees, looking down every once in a while, only to see the mansion bending to its will. Hopeless, the girl sneaks in a corner and starts weeping...After a little while, she gets up and continues running deeper into the house. Drowsiness started to take over her body, replacing fear, little by little. She falls asleep, in the middle of the house. Everything is silent, only cracks being heard here and there. A shadow keeps watching her. She wakes up the next day, still frightened, still cold and still dirty. She opens up her eyes and sees a plate, with some food, enough to keep her alive. She feels watched, and she shyly eats the food that was placed besides her. She doesn’t want to starve, even if she can’t hold on staying in that house, anymore. Everyday, the same scenario: she opens her eyes while foggy remnants of her dreams fade away from her memory's grasp, she wishes she could get out of the house, but of course she can’t. One day, she wakes up, in panic. After 10 years in that doomed mansion, her skin is pale and dirty. The sun hasn't touched her flesh for over a decade. She is dressed in a ragged dress, time letting its mark on both the girl and her clothes. As she gets up, she sees a meal placed on a silver plate, as every day before that, and a figure passing by. That figure has become her only love, her only hate, her only friend, her only foe. She only exists to destroy him, but she lives for him. She fears and loves him at the same time. She can hear him, his heart pounding in her head. She can smell him. After 10 years of living with him, she developed many emotions for him.
She wants to touch him and feel him, she wants to talk to him, tell her why he keeps her here. She can't go on like this, the mansion bending everyday into something new. She never knows what she'll wake up to. She's afraid to fall asleep.
She wonders if she's trapped there forever and everyday she hopes not.
However, deep down her soul, in a corner of her heart, she KNOWS she'll never escape the haunted house.
She’s trapped there forever.
Salvarea ? Avem nevoie de o ambulanta!
A debutat cu o mirobolanta intarziere la ora directoarei. Ah, nu'i nimic.
Apoiiii. Ne'am distrat. Mult.
Hey, uite'i pe Romeo si Jumulita!
Apoi, astia i'au bagat pe Stefan si pe Victor in ghena. =)) Si Stefan era vrajitoarea cu matura. A bagat matura intre usa si perete cica sa tina usa deschisa. =)) Si o falfaia, DOAMNE. Dupa ce au iesit aia de acolo, au vrut sa ma bage pe mine. DAR. A venit SUPER-ANDREI si m'a salvat, evident. :)) Am fost facuta si sandwhich, ce sa mai ? :))
In fine. Dupa distractia de la sc. .. A urmat. DISTRACTIA DE ACASA. :))
Am luat'o pe Ana pe la mine. Si am iesit afara. Si ne'am intalnit cu profu' de spoooort. Si Ana vroia sa il urmarim dar i'am zis ca se duce la sc. si am lasat'o balta. Dupa colt, se afla VECINU' SEXY DE LA 2 [note: are vreo 60 de ani] si ne uitam dupa el si fluieram. =)) Si Ana cica: "Mm. :>" Dupa, am urcat sus si ne'am cam imbatat. ASA PUTIN. Si apoi am inceput sa facem ca toti dracii prin casa, de se uita toata lumea la noi [ca na, eram pe geam si radeam]
Si evident, m'a vazut PEDOTARGETUL pt. prima oara si probabil ca a zis ca sunt nebuna. EH, C'est la vie!
Apoiii, un tip de la 310 cu ochelari si cu inca un coleg de'al lui au facut vreo 5 ture prin fata blocului meu si pe la a 3'a tura asa, au reusit si ei sa ne vada. =)) Si evident ca au stat sa se holbeze la doua nebune bete care cantau CHARLIE AND THE BANANA. :))
Apoi am spus bancuri. Si nu stiam cum sa scapam de mirosul de Martini. Asa ca am bagat fiecare cate 4 bomboane cu fructe de padure in gura. =))
Si eu era sa ma inec de vreo 3 ori. IN FINE. Dupa am vazut un avion: "HEI, E SUPER MAN!" =))
Si Ana BAM, pe gresie, in balcon. =))
Dupa, am mai ascultat noi niste muzica, ne'am mai batait [gul, gul, PUI!] si cica s'a dus si Ana la baie. CAND A iesit, saraca era sa faca infarct. :| De ce ? Ca m'am bagat dupa dulapu' din camera, si cand a iesit Ana din baie: "BLAAAAAAH!" si era sa dea cu capu' de perete. :))
Love you, cretinilor. :)) Pe toti.
I'm sick and tired of this bullshit
Of alarm clock screaming, monsters calling my name,
Let me stay,
Where the wind will whisper to me,
Where the raindrops, as they're falling, tell a story"
Serios. M'am saturat. Ori eu, ori el. Pentru ca eu nu o mai pot duce asa. Suna aiurea, dar decat sa traiesc viata ASA, mai bine ma duc dracu'.
Deci cand toata lumea iese afara si se distreaza, Andreea noastra tre' sa stea in casa sa "invete". Si daca INDRAZNESTE sa abordeze acest subiect, ZBANG, o palma peste ceafa.
Da' ce naiba, tu te numesti parinte ? Nu, te numesti DRAC. Deci daca nu ar fi Tzutzu, probabil ca as fi fost pierduta de mult. Da, deja am innebunit, dar Tzutzu ma ajuta oarecum. Si prietenii adevarati, desigur.
Revenind, nu pot decat sa zic ca esti un bou, esti cel mai idiot tata din lume si ghici ce ? Te urasc! Si nu te mai consider tata. ;)
Sa nu crezi ca sa o te mai privesc vreodata si sa nu crezi ca te voi mai numi asa.
Si apoi, ce sunt eu ? Vreo curva a invataturii ? Vreun caine pe care il ti legat de calorifer ?
NU, sunt un NENOROCIT DE COPIL care doar vrea sa STEA CU PRIETENII LUI, pt. ca pe tine NU TE MAI SUPORTA, NU mai vrea sa te auda cum urli si te crizezi din orice. M'AM saturat de TINE si de PROSTIILE din asa-numitul tau CAP.
Cum spuneam, noroc cu prietenii, cu Tzutzu si cu desenul, caci altfel, eram de mult pierduta. ;)
Go to hell, you fucking idiot! ^^
[P.S: cititori, scuzati limbajul din acest post, dar sunt foarte nervoasa si nu ma puteam abtine, pur si simplu imi vine sa urlu, dar nu pot pt. ca am vencini]
How lame.
Decat stinghie pe doua picioare!"
Draga mea, stiu ca nu ma suporti. Dar totusi, ai putea macar sa'mi spui ce ai de spus, in fata, sau sa nu te mai scapi cand prietenele mele sunt prin preajma. :|
I mean, wtf te intereseaza pe tine ca am eu curu' mare ? Stii. Macar eu AM cur. :) Whatever.
School started, YAY. Nu, pe bune, chiar ma bucur. Desi noua profesoara de matematica ma lasa rece, iar cea de fizica e atat de proasta incat nu stie sa citeasca. . . so far so good.
Directoarea [ca acum e profa noastra de tehno] e super de treaba, se poarta f. frumos cu noi. :x Si mie mi'era frica, pft. :))
Colegi noi nu avem. . . Eh. Nu le poti avea pe toate.
Azi mi'am julit genunchiu'. :)) Dar Andrada & Dana m'au facut sa rad deci am uitat de durere. . . [e numai vina lu' Victor! =))]
A fost o zi buna. . . Inafara incidentului scris la inceputul acestui prost-scris si plictisitor post. :))
Later. ~
1. Ce faci ? - Ascult muzica.
Dau leapsa oricui citeste postul si are blog. :P